
Alternate Name: Proturi

SAL Code:


Performing Laboratory:

Sherman Abrams Laboratory

Specimen Requirements:

Test Information:


Component Name CPT Loinc
C-ANCA Titer 86021 -
C3 (Complement C3) 86160 4485-9
C4 (Complement C4) 86160 4498-2
Complement, Total (Ch50) 86162 4532-8
Creatinine, 24-Hour Urine 82570 2162-6
Hep B Core Antibody Total 86704 13952-7
Hep B Surface Antibody 86706 5193-8
Hep B Surface Antigen W/Confirmation 87340 5196-1
Hepatitis C Ab Reflex HCV RNA 86803 13955-0
P ANCA Titer 86021 17351-8
Protein Total and Electrophoresis, Urine -
Protein, Total and Protein Electrophoresis 84155, 84165 -
Rheumatoid Factor 86431 11572-5
Total Protein 24 Hr Urine 84156 21482-5